September 11, 2001, changed the world! This day was a challenge for journalism around the globe: it was necessary to report on an incomprehensible news in a situation where the breath of a horrified world was taken away. This book comments on the reactions of the American, German, and international press to the attacks in over 120 newspaper front pages that appeared in the week after September 11. These "First Pages" are historical documents against forgetting. All headlines in German translation. 157 pages, hardcover, with numerous color illustrations.
- Publisher Müller (Karl), Cologne; Edition: 1 (2002) - Language German - Size 37.6x19.8x1.6cm - Original packaging - ISBN 3898930521 - EAN: 9783898930529
- Publisher Müller (Karl), Cologne; Edition: 1 (2002) - Language German - Size 37.6x19.8x1.6cm - Original packaging - ISBN 3898930521 - EAN: 9783898930529
Condition | New |
Age rating | No age restriction |
Model | Die Erste Seite |
Manufacturer | |
Content | 1 piece |
Weight | 500 g |
Item ID | 1234568611 |
Item ID | 1234568611 |
The First Page Headlines after September 11, 2001 ISBN 3898930521
Item number VN-783
EAN 9783898930529
Condition New
Available quantity
${ $ }
EUR 2.29
1 piece
Unit price
EUR 2.29 / piece
immediately available
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