Potentiometric displacement sensors always operate with a wiper system due to their technology. The resistance tracks are trimmed in special processes for low friction, low stick-slip tendency, abrasion resistance, and long-term consistency. The push rods are guided in durable, low-friction, and tightly toleranced plain bearings, ensuring high measurement accuracy. Lateral forces reduce the long service life and can be avoided, for example, by the ball joint coupling included in the delivery program. To counteract pump effects, the push rod is double plain-bearing mounted.

Displacement sensors of types 8710 and 8711 with a conductive plastic resistance track are intended for the direct and accurate measurement of mechanical displacements. A special ball joint coupling can be mounted at both ends of the push rod. This allows the sensor to be operated without play and lateral force even with angular and parallel misalignment between the sensor and the measuring device. A multi-fingered special wiper ensures good contact even at high adjustment speeds and under vibration.

Areas of application are:
Electromagnets, switch and button travel, pneumatic cylinders, press fits (longitudinal press fits), hydraulic cylinders, deformations - deflections, length tolerances, feed paths

Unused stock / partially in original packaging

Measuring range: 0 - 25 mm
Non-linearity: ± 0.2%
Dimensions: 63 x 30 x 107 mm
Load capacity at 40 °C: 0.6 W

Condition Factory seconds
Age rating No age restriction
Model 8710-25
Manufacturer Burster Präzisionsmesstechnik
Content 1 piece
Weight 400 g
Item ID 1234584448
Item ID 1234584448

Burster Präzisionsmesstechnik

Burster potentiometric displacement sensor type 8710-25 0-25 mm ± 0.2%

Item number VN-15965
Condition Factory seconds
Available quantity
${ $store.getters.currentItemVariation.stock.net }
EUR 149.00 *
Content 1 piece
immediately available
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