Pressure relief valve by Stübbe. - for high pressure consistency - safe reduction of pressure peaks and pulsations - valve adjustment even under working pressure - hermetically sealed by valve membrane - 100% back pressure-free in idle position Application: - Chemical plant construction - Industrial plant construction - Water treatment

Size: DN 80 Pressure rating: PN 10 Adjustment range: DN 80: 0.5 - 10 bar Opening pressure: approx. 0.3 - 0.5 bar Hysteresis: Difference between opening and closing pressure approx. 1 bar Material: PVC; EPDM; PTFE Flow direction: always in arrow direction Installation position: any

Condition Used
Age rating No age restriction
Model DHV 712
Manufacturer Stübbe
Content 1 piece
Weight 15700 g
Item ID 1234577749
Item ID 1234577749


Stübbe DHV 712 pressure holding valve DN 80 PN 10 adjustment range: 0.5 10 bar

Item number VN-6716
Condition Used
Available quantity
${ $ }
GBP 107.55 *
Content 1 piece
immediately available
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